5 Winery Social Media Ideas That Will Change Your Business Forever

by Drew Hendricks
Last updated Jun 24, 2021

Winery Social Media
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5 Winery Social Media Ideas That Will Change Your Business Forever

Looking for 5 winery social media ideas that will change your business forever? If so, we've got your back. Click here for more!

No matter your business, social media is the key to success. The world is growing more and more dependent on how technology connects each of us.

With 3.48 billion people on social media, there is no question of its importance to the success of a business or any organization in this day and age.

However it isn't just a matter of using social media, you must use it in the correct manner. Find out how social media can add to the strength of your winery and how you can make the best experience for your guests.

1. Tell Us A Story

Stories, specifically Instagram Stories, are a particularly useful tool that tends to be underutilized. They offer a quick and spontaneous way to organically advertise what is currently happening in the business.

The fact that they, by nature, appear less scripted brings a closer feeling to them and people connect to them more easily.

You can use these stories to promote events, do a sneak peek of an upcoming menu, or perhaps a walkthrough of new growth.

Another great selection for this is giving a hint of what the tasting room experience is like. Giving a slight view of what to expect will give just enough to snare the interest of many guests and they will clamor for more.

The story area is the perfect "headline" for any account and should be heavily utilized as a quick snare to get as many viewers as possible.

2. Behind The Scenes At Your Winery

There is a lot that this can consist of but all of the attributes add up to a very successful strategy. By showing what is going on behind the curtain it builds trust, it allows customers into your world, and it gives a sense of friendship.

People can learn the inner workings and better understand what goes into your product. If they do they are more likely to understand

Another idea is to have a rotating focus on particular members of staff. This will allow individuals to shine and it will allow guests to learn about your staff in a more intimate way. The pieces rather than just a mass of workers.

The added attention works both ways, your team will benefit as will your audience.

This, additionally, means living "organically". It means keeping the general audience up to date with what is going on in the winery. Giving day to day updates, trends, operation details, and other interesting facts.

3. The World is A Visual Place

Change it up from time to time and share a video as well as photos. Instagram is known for photosharing and it will primarily be used for that, however, posting a video from time to time is a wise strategy.

Considering all that goes into wine production and the winery itself there is a large amount of content that can be documented in videos and would lend itself well to this.

Don't just share your own content! That being said obviously don't expect your customers to create everything for you either. But having a call to action for your guests can be a fun interaction.

Have people post images featuring your wines or times at the winery. Feature the best of the groups! The guests see their photos featured and you have content generated by your guests. The interaction grows the brand.

4. Be An Expert

One part of being a successful winery is creating a top-shelf product but to get to that next level you need to be able to live that product. You need to be able to offer, to your customers, more than just the product.

You have to be the go-to person on what makes wine, wine. Be your creation, don't just make the creation. It is one thing to know the art but if you can teach the art without having to skip a beat that makes all the difference.

Your winery will gain a reputation as the "go-to" in its field and you become more than just a product. You become an icon. Help your customers in their love and appreciation of wine

In another fashion, make suggestions for pairings to your wines. Suggest meals or single food pairings. This idea could push sales now that customers know what to expect with flavors and what they enjoy eating.

5. Social Service

The easiest way for any guest to connect with you is social media. These days with fewer and fewer people looking to call businesses and preferring to take to the internet and texting, social media is the only avenue many times.

Engage as often as you can, both bad and good responses. Post questions and feedback alike. It is important that guests know that you value the interactions because they can just as easily post the same conversations.

A response can easily be made in fewer than five minutes and it will make the world of difference to a guest. They will that their voice is heard and have a closer connection to the winery. This boosts reputation and boosts trust with the organization.

Vino Es Vida

Wine is already your passion, utilizing social media properly you can make an even stronger impact with it. Illustrated here are the many ways that, if used correctly, social media will make the difference.

There is a good winery and a great winery. You can make a quality product but in this day and age, you need to offer guests even more than that. Today a customer demands more and now you know how to offer that.

Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation if you are looking to grow your winery even further